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Warehouse Receipt--Provision--Duty Of Care Exclusions


Goods are deposited at the depositors risk, and the warehouseman assumes no liability for delays or loss or damage to the goods caused by act of God; by insurrection, riots, or labor troubles; or by war or acts of the government either civil or military; nor is the warehouseman liable for delays or loss or damage resulting from inadequate packaging or wear and tear, or from any cause beyond the warehouseman's control.

The responsibility of the warehouseman is limited to its own negligence. No liability of any kind shall attach to the warehouseman for any damage caused to goods by [Damages such as: moths, other insects, vermin, rust, fire, sprinkler leakage, or deterioration], unless such damage could have been avoided by the exercise of such care as a reasonably careful person would have exercised under similar circumstances.

The warehouseman is not responsible for shrinkage or evaporation; or loss or damage caused by decay, taint, rot, or other inherent qualities of the merchandise; or for breakage, leakage, improper packing, pilferage, theft, rottage, vermin, or water; or resulting from any failure of machinery such as heating or cooling equipment, pipes, valves, or gauges; or for any loss or damage of whatever nature and however caused unless such loss is caused by failure to exercise the ordinary degree of care required by law.

All storage and handling charges must be paid on goods lost or damaged by any of the above causes.

This is a UCC Form. It is intended to supplement other forms.